Welcome to the 7th International Research Days on Marketing Communications!
For the first time we are able host this conference in Germany. We are very happy to invite you to two days full of interesting presentations, fruitful discussions, and last but not least joyful and relaxing social events.
The conference is organized in two main parts: The first day will focus on research devoted to current practitioner’s challenges, with keynote speakers, presentations of practitioners, and presentations of practitioner-oriented academic papers. Friday will focus more on fundamental research-oriented academic papers. The conference is known for its lively and friendly atmosphere. There are normally not more than 60 participants creating a surrounding for interesting discussions. One of our major goals is to bridge the gap between academic research and practice. Therefore, we invite researchers to submit papers for presentation due to the 1st of December, 2012. Practitioners are required to submit an abstract shortly explaining the topic they would like to present.
We are really looking forward to hosting you here in Wolfsburg and enjoying two interesting days with you!
Best regards
Björn Walliser, Université de Lorraine
David Woisetschläger, Technische Universität Braunschweig